Another goal I set for 2009 is to read all the Newberry Medal winning books for children, or at least get a good start on them - it might be a shame to go through them so fast. I've read so far in the past couple months, "Island of the Blue Dolphins" (adventurous), "The Giver" (amaaazing), "Out of the Dust" (tragic), "Kira, Kira" (sad) and "Bridge to Terabithia" (inspiring), as well as a few Newberry Honors books. I love them all. What should I read next?
Okay, I know you don't know who I am. My name is Sarah Kearl, and I met your brother on his mission. He served in my area, Swift Current. You can ask him about me.
Anyways, I look at your sister's blog,(she knows) and I have lurking onto your blog. I love your blog. You are such a good writer. and I couldn't let this post go uncommented because I love to read. And I love the newberry books, too. Good goal! I should do it, too.
My suggestion is to read Maniac Macgee or Number the Stars (one of my favorites) or Sarah, Plain and Tall.
Thanks so much! That's all I need, someone to recommend a good read and I'm all over it. I read Number the Stars in middle school but can't even remember what it's about so I think I'll hit it first. Thanks again...and nice to meet you. I hope my brother did some good up there!
This is a great goal, I might do a little newberry pickin' myself.
Matt! Read The Chosen. A nice Jewish follow-up to reminisce your trip. And you'll LOVE Life of Pi. I've read them both twice. You've already read To Kill a Mockingbird, right? I mean, that's just classic.
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